Does Coffee Help With Headache?

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Headaches are one of the most common medical problems, and people are always looking for some kind of relief. One of the most popular ones is taking a cup of coffee to stop the headache. But does it really help?

One of the beliefs is that caffeine helps with headaches and migraines. However, most people just believe it without any scientific proof.

Some studies in the past have shown that people who took a cup of coffee (caffeine) suffered fewer headaches than people who did not take a cup. These studies have shown that caffeine can help with tension headaches and migraines, but the pain relief is not immediate, and it is not effective for all people.

Some research has also shown that coffee can actually trigger headaches in some people, while others experience a headache after drinking coffee.

How does caffeine help with headaches?

Caffeine is the main active ingredient in coffee, and it is what makes you feel energized after drinking it. Caffeine helps increase your alertness and improves your energy levels.

Caffeine works as a stimulant, making you feel more awake. This, therefore, reduces the symptoms that may cause a headache.

If you’re feeling drowsy or tired, then drink coffee, and it can increase your productivity. You will feel more awake and less likely to experience a headache.

The coffee’s benefits don’t stop there, as it also reduces your anxiety levels. This is why coffee is commonly used to treat anxiety disorders.

Coffee can also reduce your stress levels, helping you relax more, and it can improve your mood. This, in turn, can reduce the occurrence of headaches as well.

You can easily control how severe your headache gets by simply adjusting your coffee consumption. Drink less caffeine when you are experiencing fewer symptoms to avoid worsening your headache.

How much coffee should I drink to cure headaches?

Coffee normally has about 100-200mg of caffeine. This amount is much lower than what you need to cause health problems, so it is fine to drink coffee for your headaches.

If you are a light caffeine drinker, then 50-100mg of caffeine is enough to help with your headache. Drink more coffee if you have a higher tolerance to caffeine.

If you are using coffee for your headache, then drink one cup of coffee to feel its effects. Increase your dosage if 50-100mg is not doing the job.

If your coffee drink tends to be on the stronger side, then you may want to add hot water into it for the correct dosage.

Top 10 Tips on how to prepare a cup of coffee for your headache cure:

  1. Get your coffee from a reputable source to make sure that it is fresh, and you will get the best out of your drink.
  2. Use purified water to prepare your drink.
  3. Boil the water in stainless steel or ceramic kettle, but not in an aluminum one, as it can release some toxic properties.  Use filtered water for an even better taste.
  4. The best coffee beans are pre-ground as it loses its flavor faster when cooked.
  5. Opt for a medium roast coffee as it provides an even and rich flavor.
  6. Buy your beans whole, then grind them yourself to preserve their oils and flavor.
  7. Use a medium-sized coffee filter to strain your drink for the tastiest results.
  8. Store your ground coffee in an airtight container and use it by date to preserve its freshness.
  9. Always use a coffee machine as it produces better quality drinks than cooking on your stovetop.
  10. Never reheat your drink, as coffee can get bitter when it is heated repeatedly. If you must reheat, then add some boiling water into your coffee and boil for about a minute.  Use the same procedure if you want to heat your coffee in the microwave.

How long does it take to get rid of my headaches?

The effects of coffee will occur at different times. It can take as early as few minutes for the drink to affect you, but it normally takes about 45 minutes to an hour.

If coffee isn’t helping you, then try drinking more of it as the effects might be delayed.

Remember to drink coffee in moderation as too much of it can cause health problems.

Be consistent with drinking coffee if you want to reduce your headache occurrence.

It might be a good idea to consult with your doctor before adding coffee as a part of your headache remedy.

How does too much caffeine hurt?

If you have a habit of drinking coffee more than once a day, then your caffeine consumption can be dangerous. Excessive amounts of caffeine can cause the following health problems:

  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Diarrhea
  • Muscle pains
  • Nervousness
  • Anxiety
  • Jitteriness
  • Insomnia  
  • Irritability
  • Restlessness
  • Vomiting  
  • Stomach Pain  
  • Rapid heart rate, palpitations, or pounding sensation

If you consume too much caffeine, then it is important that you consult your doctor to help with proper diagnosis and treatment.

What is needed to achieve the benefits of caffeine for the headache?

The caffeine in coffee can be beneficial for your body. It is responsible for the following health benefits:

  • Increases alertness and reduces fatigue  
  • Helps with focus, concentration, and memory
  • Helps improve your sports performance Increases brain activity  
  • Improves mental efficiency  
  • Reduces anxiety
  • Improves mood
  • Balances blood sugar  
  • Provides antioxidants for a healthy heart  
  • Boosts metabolism  
  • Helps in weight loss by burning fat    
  • Assists in muscle development    
  • It helps reduce headaches and migraines  
  • Prevents tooth decay by neutralizing acids  
  • It helps the body fight off infections  
  • Acts as a natural diuretic  
  • Relieves menstrual cramps  
  • Helps with digestion  
  • Beneficial for pregnant women

How does caffeine reduce headaches?

Caffeine reduces headaches by blocking the pain receptors in your brain. Warning:  Coffee must not be used as a substitute for a headache medicine.

Coffee can be beneficial in the reduction of occasional headaches, but it is not effective with chronic pain, acute types, or migraines.

How much caffeine is in coffee?

Caffeine is found in different amounts depending on the variety of coffee beans that have been used. One cup of brewed coffee can range from 50 – 200 mg of caffeine.  A cup of instant coffee, on the other hand, can have as much as 500mg of caffeine, which is five times more than the brewed coffee.

How much should I drink to reduce my headache?

The amount of caffeine in one cup will depend on its variety. If you are aiming to use coffee to relieve your occasional headaches, then aim for up to 3 cups a day.

More than that, you would want to try alternative headache remedies.

The best time for you to drink your coffee is a few hours after waking up, as this will help with your blood circulation and energy boost for the day.

Should I drink caffeinated or non-caffeinated coffee to reduce my headaches?

Caffeinated is often suggested for migraine relief because of its ability to relax the tense muscles and blood vessels. However, caffeine can make migraines worse if you are allergic to it.

You should drink non-caffeinated coffee for the relief of tension headaches and cluster headaches instead. You can also drink decaffeinated coffee if caffeine does not agree with you.

Is the headache effect of coffee immediate or delayed?

If your goal is to relieve nausea, your headache will be reduced over time. For getting rid of headaches, drinking coffee soon after is the most effective way.

How long will it take for the effect of coffee to work?

The effect of caffeine on your body can last up to six hours. It may take up to two hours for you to feel its effects.

Can I drink coffee during the headache?

You can drink coffee while you are experiencing a headache. You just have to be careful about the amount you are consuming to get the correct effect without the negative effects on your body.

What are the negative effects of coffee on my headache?

Coffee may cause negative effects on your body if you drink too much. It can cause the following:

Restlessness and anxiety  

Fast or irregular heartbeats  

Dry mouth  

Increased blood pressure and increased heart rate  

Increased urination  

Involuntary muscle movements like the twitching of muscles and shaking of hands    

Difficulty sleeping  

Jitteriness and rapid mood changes  

Bad breath, bad taste in the mouth, and bad smelling of breath  

Nausea and vomiting    

Stomach pain, cramps, or diarrhea  


Note: Caffeine can sometimes make your headaches worse.

When should I drink coffee to reduce my headache?

You should drink a cup of coffee when you wake up to help you wake up and get the blood flowing in your body. You can also drink coffee before eating a meal or when you are experiencing nausea to reduce it.

Does Coffee Help with Headache – Conclusion

Take note of the negative effects on your body if you are sensitive to caffeine and stop consuming it as soon as you notice a symptom.  To avoid having a headache from caffeine intake, the recommended amount to consume is up to 400mg on a daily basis.

If you are experiencing migraines, then avoid caffeine and drink decaffeinated coffee. If you are experiencing cluster headaches, drink non-caffeinated coffee when the peak of the headache. Instead of drinking coffee to relieve your headache, it would be better to try other healthy lifestyle changes such as taking a hot bath and doing stretching exercises.  You can also visit a chiropractor for natural migraine relief, as this helps ease muscle tension and pain while promoting blood circulation in your body.